Tuesday, October 22, 2024

what about oil and silver would these be good investment tommorrow as the both dropped in price on friday?

September 7, 2010 by  
Filed under Silver Investment FAQ


3 Responses to “what about oil and silver would these be good investment tommorrow as the both dropped in price on friday?”
  1. minervabnu says:


  2. John Blaze says:

    I can advice you.

  3. king1914kingdom says:

    First you have to take a look at the graph of silver and oil futures.

    SILVER : The web page http://www.marketcenter.com/futures/adv_chart.action?chartUi.studies=&sym=SI+%23F&chartUi.bartype=CANDLE&chartUi.period=D&chartUi.minutes=&chartUi.size=800×550&chartUi.bardensity=LOW&chartUi.overlay=&x=31&y=13

    The daily chart in SILVER shows an healthy trend since mid Febuary. A rise of 30.87%. It seems for the moment that the market is preparing for a temporary setback. Normal after such a huge uptrend.

    OIL : http://www.marketcenter.com/futures/adv_chart.action?chartUi.studies=&sym=CL+%23F&chartUi.bartype=CANDLE&chartUi.period=W&chartUi.minutes=&chartUi.size=800×550&chartUi.bardensity=LOW&chartUi.overlay=&x=57&y=7

    On a weekly chart, the trend is intact, UPTREND, HOWEVER MORE CHOPPY.

    After analysing these 2 charts, it seems that the UPTREND is still intact.

    The problem is WHAT WILL BE MY ENTRY PRICES?

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