Friday, February 7, 2025

Are Silver American Eagle coins a good investment?

August 22, 2010 by  
Filed under Silver Investment FAQ


3 Responses to “Are Silver American Eagle coins a good investment?”
  1. bearr41 says:

    No, coins are not investments, they are collections. Stocks and bonds are good proven investments.

  2. socrates says:

    Unlikely! American Eagles sell at a significant premium over th price of their silver content. Since the Mint will make as many as it thinks it can sell this coin is not going to become a valuable collector’s item.If you want to own some silver buy silver rounds from coin shops or coin companies Shop around to find the lowest premium over spot.

  3. m s says:

    “Coins are guaranteed for purity and content by a government.

    Coins can be sold without an assay.

    Coins can appreciate in value due to the numismatic market as well as the precious metals market.”

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