Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Do you think Gold or Silver is a better investment?

June 24, 2010 by  
Filed under Silver Investment FAQ

I know they are both correlated, but which do you think (long-term) you will see a better return?


4 Responses to “Do you think Gold or Silver is a better investment?”
  1. Carl says:


  2. shrtnjcy says:

    gold…i have never seen a silver commercial

  3. Mechatronic86 says:

    for a long term investment commodities are the best!! like oil.. gold… silver… natural gas ecc
    in this decade futures didnt go up but commodities doubled or more!!!

  4. Santos says:

    Hey, why don’t you try stock robots?

    I’m assuming you know what I’m talking about. If not, let me take a second to fill you in.
    There’s a site on the internet that claims to have invented a robot that can pick winning stocks. I was skeptical at first but I tried it. And I SWEAR it’s the BEST investment I ever made! I’ve made $47350 so far since I started a few months ago.

    The best part was I threw my resignation letter at my boss’s face and showed him the middle finger.

    Check it out here: http://alturl.com/8erb

    It’s guarantee to work! If you don’t believe me, read this official report:

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