Friday, February 7, 2025

what do you people think about Robert Kiyosaki and Russ Whitney?

January 16, 2011 by  
Filed under Silver Investment FAQ

I know they are Con Artists, they live to scam people. Even old Donald Trump is out there scamming people. look at how they do people. if you want to be rich, just do what they do! if they come to your area doing seminars and such, BOYCOT THEM! if you’ve got $20,000, why would you give it to them? why not invest it in Gold? Gold is the real money. Platinium is another great investment. and Silver not bad either. go to and learn about all the people those men have scammed out of thousands of $$$! it’s unreal.


One Response to “what do you people think about Robert Kiyosaki and Russ Whitney?”
  1. SADASHIV B says:

    C in all such cases it is like picking what is useful to u. They might have made millions but it is also true that they have given a lot against that because many became millionaires from their advise. it is for the individual to know, understand, use, weigh the results, refine the efforts and then come to a conclusion whether to follow any person or his advise. it is like picking a fruit u never go in details of it sources of nutrition etc. etc.

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