Friday, February 7, 2025

Making money in Real Estate… need financial advice?

January 22, 2011 by  
Filed under Silver Investment FAQ

Hey everyone, I’m 20 and just started this last spring as a real estate broker in the Denver Metro area for Re/Max and believe it or not I’m making a killing (6-figures… keep in mind I can’t even drink yet) and would like to know if anyone has an INTELLIGENT ways I could invest some […]

Financial Investment: I have a small amount of money and i am not sure what to do with it.?

November 29, 2010 by  
Filed under Silver Investment FAQ

I am concerned about our economy (along with everybody else) and I don’t know what to do with my small amount of money. Should I buy silver or Gold? CD’s, or what. I know nothing about this stuff. All i know is that i don’t want to lose the little I have.

Rich Dad’s Advisors: Guide to Investing In Gold and Silver: Protect Your Financial Future

July 12, 2010 by  
Filed under Recommended Readings

ISBN13: 9780446510998 Condition: NEW Notes: Brand New from Publisher. No Remainder Mark. Product Description “Throughout the ages, many things have been used as currency: livestock, grains, spices, shells, beads, and now paper. But only two things have ever been money: gold and silver. When paper money becomes too abundant, and thus loses its value, man […]

Merit Financial – Gold Coin Investing

July 4, 2010 by  
Filed under Silver Investment Basics

There are many options out there to consider when looking to build your portfolio.  Gold investing has proven to be a popular option these days posting gains over 100% since 2000 and steadily on the rise. Merit Financial offers extensive options in precious metals investing with gold, silver, platinum, palladium bars, bullion, internationally recognized coins, […]

Looking To Make A Good Investment? Buy Gold And Silver Bullion To Give You Financial Security

June 27, 2010 by  
Filed under Silver Bullion

Gold prices are on the up, but that’s nothing new. Since 1982 gold has increased in value by a staggering 220+%, and most of that increase has been in the last 10 years. The price per ounce on the 7th of May 1999 was £172.84 but for the same amount of gold ten years later […]

Investing In Precious Metals Helps You To Have A Financial Security

June 17, 2010 by  
Filed under Silver Investment Basics

Following the economic decline in the last decade there are two key economic trends that can be visible to somebody looking at the various affected markets.   The primary trend is seen within the housing market as several people are abandoning their real estate investments since the mortgages they signed up for prior to the housing […]

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