Tuesday, October 22, 2024

my father died 20 years ago iheard he had investments in gold &silver how can i find out &where is it?

November 27, 2010 by  
Filed under Silver Investment FAQ


One Response to “my father died 20 years ago iheard he had investments in gold &silver how can i find out &where is it?”
  1. witz1960 says:

    The only thing that comes to my mind initially is to check with the State treasurer or whatever state department receives assets from dormant accounts.

    In most, if not all states, dormant accounts for “x” number of months will escheat to the state government.

    If he had acutal coins or ingots/ bars… then start digging up the backyard after ripping the interior walls of the house down to the studs. You need to do this demo work anyways to bring the wiring up to 21st Century standards.

    Good luck.

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