Friday, February 7, 2025

90% Silver Coins

June 16, 2010 by  
Filed under Silver Coins

Learning about silver coins can be interesting but there are many aspects one can research on. Most of us very well aware of the fact that the silver content of these coins varied from 30-90%. However what bothers most people is that which are the coins which are more valuable in this range, because since these are not bullion silver coins the only value they hold is of their silver content. So the statement itself makes it easier for us to assume that the higher is the silver content, the more is the value for the coin. That is exactly why today we shall discuss about 90% silver coins.

Now let us get on with the origin of these coins. We thought that all the coins produced before 1965 had 90% content, well that was wrong there were some coins which had 40% or some even had 60% silver content. But the 90% silver coins did stand out and the reasons can be as follows.

Since these coins were minted free of charge and only to be used as currency, there is no premium attached to them. That is why these coins are cheaper than the normal bullion coins.

The prices of these coins are almost fixed and do not depend on the spot price of silver in the market.

The owner has the freedom to trade these coins in smaller amounts. This can’t be done with respect to silver bullions or gold bullions since the first one doesn’t contain one ounce of silver and hence the trade might be affected and for the second the coins are much high valued even in smaller amounts.

These coins have a great upper hand because in case of a lapse of entire currency of a country like US, these coins are the only source of currency they have.

The coins like the Kennedy Half Dollar produced before the year 1964 were 90% silver coins.  All these coins are available in form of silver bags. These bags contain all the three types of coins which are dimes, quarters and half dollars. One can select the option of ordering a silver bag which contains only 90% silver coins. The composition of the coins in any silver bag is 70% quarters, 20% dimes and 10% half dollars. The reason why there are so many quarters is because, the dealers feel due to reduced values of dimes and half dollars it is always better to provide quarters in larger quantities.

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