Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Where can I keep my money besides U.S. banks?

January 26, 2011 by  
Filed under Silver Investment FAQ

For various reasons I no longer wish to use American banks to store my cash. I don’t have large amounts for investments, nor wish to do stocks, bonds, mutual funds, or money market accounts. I already put the money on pre-paid Credit cards and use PayPal. Aside from buying gold or silver, where else can I place my money and have access to it but without the risk of losing it to thief or market conditions? I will need access and use of my funds world-wide as I am a traveler.


3 Responses to “Where can I keep my money besides U.S. banks?”
  1. Joseph C says:

    Swiss banks have always been the best.

    With Amercan banks, your money or safety box contents could be seized or “frozen” with one letter or phone call from someone’s attorney. They will betray you and they don’t protect you. They’re like company supervisors who side with upper management against you, as a hard working employee.

  2. smile_for_me says:

    in your pocket

  3. Daniel O says:

    You could try British foreign currency cards, but they are not designed for this sort of thing. Banks are usually pretty sound. UK banks are insured for the first £35,000 and that is going up to 50 soon. Don’t use online gold companies. Most of them are either a scam or one step ahead of the IRS, FBI or DEA. When they catch them for money laundering they usually seize all the assets and you don’t get your money back. Try online accounts from other banks. Again check they are not a scam. Swiss banks will be very unkeen on US persons having accounts. Check whichever bank you use is registered with its regulator. I recommend British banks as I know them to be pretty sound, and well insured. Check them with the Financial Services Authority. If its solvency that makes you worried about US banks, just check you are with an FDIC bank and have less the $100,00

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