Friday, February 7, 2025

What is Equity investment?

December 14, 2010 by  
Filed under Silver Investment FAQ

And why does Gold/Silver fluctuate because of their value?
And has it always been this way?
Thanks for your help.
I want to invest in Gold and Silver and was going to but I dont see it going up?


One Response to “What is Equity investment?”
  1. umamail1 says:

    Equity Investment : Investing in stocks.

    Gold and Silver go up in price due to 1. Basic demand and supply, that is, go up when demand rises and go down if supply rises. 2. Flight to safety increases their demand [and thus price] because people run to what they think is currently safe, for example, at the present time, they think that equities are unsafe even if they are on fire sale. Thus gold and silver usually rise in price when stocks go down.

    An extremely good reference for equity investment is:

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