Tuesday, October 22, 2024

What is a good metal to buy?

January 5, 2011 by  
Filed under Silver Investment FAQ

If i was to invest in buying a certain type of metal, eg. gold, silver etc – which should I buy to maximise my investment returns if i was to sell it again in a year?
PS I dont mean buy stock in companies that produce those metals, i mean buying into the raw material itself.


5 Responses to “What is a good metal to buy?”
  1. Gonzo says:

    I would say Gold, because it’s more popular than silver.

  2. chazzer says:

    Platinum, it is more rare than gold and has a higher price on it.

  3. fwrighter says:

    Gold and silver mainly follow the same flow. If gold goes up, silver goes up as well. The difference between the two is that silver is more volatile, therefore you can expect a higher return from silver than gold and yet also a higher draw-down. This summer, I would expect the prices of silver to go up due to climbing oil prices which is already at $64/barrel. Personally, I wouldn’t buy in either silver or gold at this point, because gold just recently retested it’s 3-quarter high and it failed to break that point. Since it failed to break that point, I would expect gold to drop down a few percentages b4 it retests that point. Just 2 days ago, a large fund sold-off it’s gold positions and that was largely responsible for the $15 drop thereafter. This $15 drop should only be the beginning of another $20-$30 fall. If I were you, I would wait for another $30 bucks drop before I put my money in gold.

    1) With the same amount of money, you can carry more shares.

    2) If you invest now, and it really drops, would you leave with a -$30 per share? only to see it rise back up later.

    3) patience is a virtue.

  4. NC says:

    Right now, none. Metal prices are cyclical, so you want to buy when the prices are low, not when they are high…

  5. zyberianwarrior says:

    Pladdium (a notch above platinum) Gold and silver move in different directions not in tandem. and Pladdium has more room to move than any other metal.

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