Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Saving Cash VS. Gold/Silver?

November 26, 2010 by  
Filed under Silver Investment FAQ

Due to the droping value of our U.S Dollar, I just dont see any reasons to save cash in savings account instead, I think it is wise to buy some gold and silver for long term investment.(10+ years) what do you guys think? Can youguys think of any reason(s) I should continue to save cash???


5 Responses to “Saving Cash VS. Gold/Silver?”
  1. rxing says:

    where are you going to put the gold bars. do you have a vault in your house.

    why not buy stocks insstead.

  2. Conradical says:

    The fact that you’re thinking of buying gold after it has quadrupled in price during this decade is the ideal reason NOT to own it. Investments tend to hit bottom when there seems to be no reason to own it.

  3. cridler says:

    If gold had kept up with inflation it would be about $2350 an ounce right now it’s just under 1000. Couple that with the the storage and liquidity problem it’s a investment just like the bridge in New York I bought last trip there.

  4. jbx63 says:

    I think that is very wise. The Federal Reserve has recently been increasing the M3 money supply at almost 18% a year which is reducing the value of the US dollar and increasing the value of silver and gold. Additionally, there is currently a shortage of silver that can be purchased by retail investors at large coin shops suggesting that the price of silver is being manipulated downwards. For more detailed information go to http://silverstockreport.com/ .

  5. Smartass says:

    First of all, do the research yourself, look at kitco.com and see the numbers from 20 years ago until today.

    Second of all, consider our situation, are we going towards inflation or deflation?

    Thirdly, the fact you’re willing to save is good. So anything that has some volatility, risk and promise is MUCH better than cash savings. A previous answer says if gold grew exactly like inflation, it’d be $2350, maybe true, but money supply is not and should not be the only cause, supply and demand is too.

    Finally, yes, I personally recommend buying metal, especially silver since it’s cheaper and experts say its becoming more rare. It is unlikely to be worse than any other form of investment or savings, but definitely safer than cash savings

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