Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Is it wise to invest in gold coins?

December 29, 2010 by  
Filed under Silver Investment FAQ

I’m looking into investing in African gold 1 oz. Krugerrand’s.
Do you think that would be a good investment ??
I know right now they are about $ 930.00 each.
I have 200 lbs of silver But I’m now looking and gold, and Diamonds.


One Response to “Is it wise to invest in gold coins?”
  1. Dawson Lives says:

    I invested in gold, silver and diamonds as well. But instead of gold coins, I invested in pure gold nuggets. The best come from Australia. When you invest in gold, you have to look at the price per grain, or gram. Before I’d invest in gold coins for $930.00 each, I’d want to know their weight. Gold is always a good investment, although just like stocks their value go up and down constantly.

    I was recently told that silver is almost a better investment right now because there is a shortage of pure sterling silver, even though it’s much cheaper than gold.

    Diamonds are also a good investment, but it’s so easy to get ripped off, as people usually sell them for much more than what they’re worth.

    The downside is when I’ve sold in the past, I rarely got more than what I paid and often got less.

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