Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Gold, Silver, Oil and Nat Gas Trading Report

September 1, 2010 by  
Filed under Silver Bullion

Commodities so far this week have not changed much. But I can point out a few things for us to watch Thursday and Friday.

Precious Metals – Gold GLD fund – Silver SLV Fund – PM Stocks GDX Fund

We could start to see a shift between the price relationship between gold and the broad market. I pointed this out last week mentioning that gold and silver are starting to hold up in value while stocks sell off on big days. For example, Wednesday’s sell-off in equities did not have much effect on precious metals. This is what we want to see. It means money is moving out of stocks and into gold and silver bullion as a safe haven.

These three charts of GLD, SLV and GDX show Wednesday’s price action as gold and silver moved higher while precious metal stocks sold down with the rest of the market. This is generally a bearish indicator for gold and silver but because I am starting to see this happen more often and traders are ready for the market to top any day, I am seeing this as a bullish indicator. If the market starts to slide I have a feeling investors will be dumping a lot more money into gold and silver.

Energy – Oil USO Fund – Energy Stocks XLE Fund

We are seeing a similar pattern in the energy sector. Oil had a nice move higher today while energy stocks sold off.  Stocks are starting to fall out of favor. That being said, I do think I have found an oil play which could rocket higher in the coming days a possible 10 bagger. I will be providing this information in my service Thursday or Friday this week.

Natural Gas – UNG Fund

Natural gas is still in a bear market and trading under a major resistance trend line. This commodity could go either way so I am going to wait for the odds to be more on my side before jumping on board with a long or a short trade.

Mid-Week Gold, Silver, Oil and Nat Gas Conclusion:

The market is starting to look and feel top heavy with many indicators and price action patterns giving cross signals. While the market could continue to rocket higher with new money getting dumped in from average investors because of solid 3rd quarter earnings, we must be cautious by tightening our stops and take some profits off the table. Until we get a short term oversold market condition I am trading very conservatively.

Waiting for a good trade is crucial in trading. If you always want to trade and force positions when the market is choppy you end up with lower probability trades.

Chris Vermeulen is Founder of the popular trading site http://www.thegoldandoilguy.com. There he shares his highly successful, low-risk trading method. Since 2001 Chris has been a leader in teaching others to skillfully trade in gold, oil, and silver in both bull and bear markets. Subscribers to his service depend on Chris’ uniquely consistent investment opportunities that carry exceptionally low risk and high return.

Reach Chris at: Chris[at]theGoildAndOilGuy[dot]com

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