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Gold, Silver and Oil Trading Expert Helps Investors Learn the Ropes

August 10, 2010 by  
Filed under Silver Investment Basics

When stocks and real estate are flat, Chris Vermeulen succeeds investing in gold, silver and oil

Collingwood, ON — Often the conventional wisdom is to stay invested in the stock market and in real estate. But millions of investors following that often-touted strategy have seen their portfolios drop by half or more.  “Investors everywhere have had it with staying the course only to see their life savings disappear. That’s one of the key reasons highly profitable gold and oil are becoming the investor’s choice for the 21st Century,”said Chris Vermeulen.

Vermeulen is a veteran trader of gold and oil who makes his methods and insights available to others via his website at http://www.TheGoldAndOilGuy.com .  He provides traders with unparalleled gold and oil trading analysis, signals and 24/7 trading email support.

Unlike other sites, Vermeulen is a one man operation.  He personally develops all his information, and then makes himself available to individually assist subscribers.  “I don’t want an employee handing out advice while I’m traveling Europe,” Vermeulen said with a smile.

The service is designed for active traders who insist on a conservative approach to investing.  He uses the GLD Gold exchange which allows for very accurate signals when used along with the price of gold, HUI, USD and gold stocks price action. “Over the years I’ve found these factors used with expert analysis deliver extremely impressive yields,” Vermeulen said.

But perhaps best of all, Vermeulen’s strategy is clear and simple to learn and use.  “My strategy makes your trades extremely accurate with very little downside risk,” he said.

In the current business climate where investors are quite enthusiastic about trading gold and oil, it is easy for trading advisory services to advance very risky recommendations.Unfortunately many of their subscribers lose big.

“I insist on moving conservatively.  My subscribers make 8 to 12 trades per year with very little downside risk.  But the potential is tremendous,” Vermeulen pointed out.

Vermeulen began trading gold and oil a decade ago, gradually refining his trading methods to achieve remarkable results.  “Now that gold and oil are the hottest investment available, traders have to be careful they aren’t getting advice from someone who just recently got into the game.  Gold and oil is not a get rich quick path for those who aren’t willing to use a sound method and analysis,” he said.

As an added bonus, new subscribers who sign up for a full year receive $300 in free gas. Traders can subscribe for as little as $25 per month.

Chris Vermeulen – TheGoldAndOilGuy.com features a free preview of the service, complete details about Vermeulen’s trading model, his impressive track record, and a library of free reports and information to help investors. www.TheGoldAndOilGuy.com

10126 Hwy 26 East, RR#2

Collingwood, ON, L9Y 3Z1, Canada

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