Tuesday, October 22, 2024

With gold & silver prices down how will this effect stock investing , and other high yield investments ?

December 7, 2010 by  
Filed under Silver Investment FAQ

is real estate investment better for the long term


3 Responses to “With gold & silver prices down how will this effect stock investing , and other high yield investments ?”
  1. Denise L says:

    I don’t believe the prices of gold and silver will effect the market at all. Look at how high the market has gone in the last 6 months. Cost of gasoline is also not having an effect on the market overall.
    Putting money away in an Traditional IRA or Roth is the best thing to do for a long term investment.

  2. typea911 says:

    Gold & silver investing for the long term,they both have the same purchasing power as 200yrs. ago.Talk to ur broker about investing in a”Franklin Templeton” portfolio. Franklin Templ-
    eton has a higher return than the s&p 500, and has one of the highest returns for over 45yrs.

  3. SMEAC says:

    For the long term stock investing may have allready reached its peak , real estate investing , due to a soft market in some areas may be the best bet.These links offer free info on,stock investing,real estate investing,renewable energy,aloe vera farming,and other high yeild investments. http://stock-investing-info.com/ and http://charting-the-market.com/ and http://otc-market.com/ and http://wallstreetradionetwork.com/

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