Tuesday, October 22, 2024

What is the smartest goods to invest in if you have a large income?

December 10, 2010 by  
Filed under Silver Investment FAQ

If I have an income of over $100.000,- per month, what would be the safest yet most yielding goods/stocks to invest in? Putting it in the bank is a stupid investment in my opinion. Not only do you run the risk of the bank going out of business, but the interest rates aren’t really all that eiter.

I have heard silver is smart to buy, and real estate. Any other suggestions or elaborations on how I should invest that kind of money to make the most of it?


2 Responses to “What is the smartest goods to invest in if you have a large income?”
  1. live and learn says:

    Safest, stocks are not for you than. Invest in Real-Estate. Buy a some property, but do your research first and make sure it’s in a great neighborhood, rent it out and have cash flow coming in. You could buy some Gold and Silver and hang on to it for a few decades or find something your good at and start a business. That is what I would do if I was making that much a month.

  2. Jake says:

    If you are looking for something long term I really wouldn’t recommend gold. A few years ago if you bought gold then you would have made a killing in the financial crisis. But the reason that the value went up so much is because people wanted something safe when the market was tanking so demand went up. The price went up more when the dollar was getting hammered (commodities are priced in dollars so as the dollar goes down in vale the price of gold goes up). In my opinion real estate is a safe-ish investment as long as you do your research in the market you are going to buy it in. A bond fund could also provide you with some good returns (try PIMCO, it’s a favorite of mine). Treasuries are always an option if you want something safe also.

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