Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Warren Buffett and Jim rogers believe the dollar is long term decline because of debt.Will this help silver?

October 31, 2010 by  
Filed under Silver Investment FAQ

Do you think gold and silver is a great long term investment. I agree with Buffett and Rogers that that nation has done little about debt.Others feel a bailout of dollars could happen in the next few years.


3 Responses to “Warren Buffett and Jim rogers believe the dollar is long term decline because of debt.Will this help silver?”
  1. heartofabeast says:


  2. Marissa Di says:

    Gold is a good investment. i am not sure about silver, although it is considered a semi=precious metal. The value of gold to silver is astoundingly dissimilar.

  3. muncie birder says:

    I certainly do think that the dollar is well on its way to becoming a 3rd world currency. Silver and gold however do not in my opinion offer the best means of protecting ones self from this likely scenario. I have to vote for oil myself. This is something that the world can not do without and yet unlike gold and silver the supply is rapidly diminishing. Forget the political hoopla about ethanol. Without oil we are dead.

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