Tuesday, October 22, 2024

The Silver Peace Dollar Coin – Showcase For Liberty, Honor, And Democracy

August 11, 2010 by  
Filed under Silver Bullion

Members of the numismatic community and those devotees of the study or collection of currency will feel a warm glow in their hearts to know that the Silver Peace Dollar coin issuance was inspired by their interesting and widespread hobby! The peace dollar was struck by the US Mint during a seven-year period, from 1921-1928, followed by a two-year mintage in 1934-1935. IIt was a November 1918 article in The Numismatist, the official publication of the American Numismatic Association (ANA), which was the actual inspiration for the coin. The article suggested the minting of a coin to mark the end of World War I and the triumph of democratic ideals.

This suggestion was further expounded at the ANA convention in Chicago in August 1920. It called for either a half-dollar or a dollar commemorative coin to provide ample space for a design showcasing liberty, prosperity, honor and democracy. US Treasury authorities, however, went a step further and issued the silver as a coin for general-public circulation.

The Silver Peace Dollar coin succeeded the Morgan dollar which was minted last in 1904. The Pittmann Act sponsored by Nevada Senator Key Pittmann enabled the minting of the Silver Peace Dollar, as this federal law authorized US sale of standard silver bullions the proceeds of which will used for minting new silver dollars.

The Peace Dollar’s designer was Anthony de Francisci who prominently rendered the word “PEACE” at the bottom of coin’s reverse side. The silver content of this coin is 0.77344, and it is the last silver dollar that was minted for US circulation.

There was brief minting of the Silver Peace Dollar coin in 1965 with the coins bearing the year 1964. For one reason or another, however, these coins were neither circulated to the public nor any of their examples released. The whole 1965 mintage was melted, perhaps along with the hopes of some avid numismatist and Peace coin collectors.

You can find great prices and selection on the patriotic Silver Peace Dollar Coin at: ==>

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