Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Does anyone have thoughts about investing in TMBXF? Seems to be a good stock investment right now.?

December 1, 2010 by  
Filed under Silver Investment FAQ

Does this mean the company is about to do good? How would finding gold and silver on its property affect it’s stock?


2 Responses to “Does anyone have thoughts about investing in TMBXF? Seems to be a good stock investment right now.?”
  1. Beau.Gus says:

    This dog currently trades at less than 1/10 penny a share!

    Think about it, is there anything else you have experienced in life so far that had a serious disconnect between its price and its real value? Did you ever by a decent car for $1.50? Or a house for $6.00?

    Stocks that trade under five dollars a share are called “penny stock”, and they are cheap for a VERY good reason; they are not worth anything!

    The folks who own these types of company are usually trying to play you…

  2. donfletcheryh says:

    This could mean wonderful things for tmbxf. It could also mean that someone is trying to get some money for stock they already own.

    My caution heres is that this assay work was not done based on drill samples, the gold standard for pre-mining activity. If one wants to get in on a great thing, one has to be willing to invest before the drilling is done. Once the drill samples have been assayed, the price will go way up, or collapse to nothing.
    Chips on the surface are what convinces people to spend money on drilling, but there are ever so many places that drilling convinces the company that no mining would be profitable.

    My wife bought some gold mining shares based on surface chips a few years ago, only to have them drop to $0.10, 4 years later. The shares went back up to $0.60 a year later. But the mine is still not in business.

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