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Beautiful Investment – .925 Fine Sterling Silver Jewelry

August 20, 2010 by  
Filed under Silver Investment Basics



Beautiful Investment – .925 Fine Sterling Silver Jewelry

Published September 10th, 2008 by Fred Ackourey


Silver is replacing gold as the metal of choice in this season’s fashions. .925 Fine Sterling Silver Jewelry contains 92.5% pure silver and is mixed with other alloys to strengthen it and reduce tarnishing making it a practical metal for jewelry design.

The rise in metal prices, especially gold, have begun to change jewelry styles. Designers are using sterling silver more today because of its edgy appeal and affordability. Designers like David Yurman and those from Tiffany’s have shifted their focus and are creating A-list pieces from .925 Fine Sterling Silver

Although Silver is affordable its price has quietly risen 300% in the last 5 years and is up over 50% this year alone. Many investment advisers* recommend a portion of your wealth be in silver and gold.

Trend setters who were the first to begin wearing the metal to match tatto chic and other current styles also benefit by having jewelry worth more than they paid for it.

Now is the perfect time to take advantage of Telegaleria’s new .925 Fine Sterling Silver Jewelry Collection, it is both beautiful and an investment. Whether is it fine jewelry designs inspired by David Yurman, Tiffany, Cartier or Gucci you are sure to find a fashionable value that will make you feel good. Every piece is guaranteed and comes with our famous customer service. We know now is a great time for silver, visit and you will know too.

*Telegaleria does not give investment advice. The statements of in this article are taken from research. See your own investment adviser for what might be a good investment for you. Telegaleria does sell fine products at affordable prices. We can advise you to visit our website to find great values.



Fred Ackourey is the CEO of Telegaleria, LLC., a retail network catering to the US Hispanic community. You could reach him via

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